Dropshipping guide effective from 22.01.22
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Stock Notifications Now Available
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Website Update - Currency Change Available
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Since moving to our new website we've recieved a lot of really positive feedback in regards to it. Whether it's the design or just the way it functions, every little compliment has made everyone here feel like all the hard work has paid off. We'd like to personally thank all of you for your support over this transition period. One of the reasons we moved to a new platform was to allow us to grow with the needs of the customer. To keep an eye on trends and ways we can make things easier for yourselves when going through our...
Our Brand New Website Has Launched
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It's been a long time coming. As you can see, our new website has launched. We at ek Wholesale have been working hard since before new year to bring you a fantastic user experience and a website that functions better than before. Finally, after months of work, it's come to fruition and we're very happy to let you all see it. Over the next few months we'll be adding more functionality to help streamline what YOU as a customer want. We may even send the occasional email asking for your input on some of the choices we've got to make!...
Affordable Waterproof Clothing For The Masses
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2018 started with some of the roughest and strangest weather we've seen over here in the UK for a while. Scotland particularly was bombarded with snowstorms, rain and patches of sun. Occasionally within the space of only a few hours.With how unpredictable things can be, it's important for both you and your customers to be prepared. You want clothing that will not only keep you warm, but also keep you dry through anything thrown at it. We stock a large variety of different waterproof and showerproof items to cover a vast degree of possible rough days. It's important to understand...